Should I keep my home’s gutters clean?
We highly recommend you do it, fall and spring are the ideal times of the year to maintain your gutters clean and ready to drain water and other natural dust that visits your property during watery seasons.
Consider this gutter cleaning exercise more often throughout the year when you’ve lots of trees surrounding your house. It is natural that gutters tend to get filled with debris such as leaves, seeds, branches, pine needles, etc.
How do I keep leaves and debris off my gutters?
If you want to do it yourself, it’s necessary to use a strong blower and broom. All tools you decide to use to keep your roof clean will always depend on the pitch of it also the domestic tools you feel comfortable using.
When having a high-pitched roof, a roof rake will be an ideal tool to use. This one will help you remove leaves, pine needles and other debris. When having a pinch, you don’t need anything else besides a broom on an extension pole.
Another long-term way to prevent future damages is to trim back tree branches near the roof that might contact it. This way most leaves will fall on your lawn, front yard, patio but not on your roof.
If you rather hire a professional crew to keep your gutters up to date and your building is located in New Jersey, our team is just one phone away from you!
Even if my gutters have gutter guards, do I still need to clean them?
Yes, you do. Good thing about gutter guards is that you won’t spend that much time cleaning around than if you were just having regular gutters. Little debris and tiny insects are still able to penetrate your gutter guards causing future headaches when avoiding this cleaning process.
For this reason, we recommend you clean your gutters even if you have this extra protection. Keep in mind that when you don’t clean and prevent your gutters from dead leaves, these ones will absorb and/or stagnate water by preventing it from draining through the pipe, this trapped moisture will collapse your gutters creating mold and algae that eventually will pull away and possibly harm the facade of your home, seep underneath the shingles and even risking the security of your inner walls.